As part of my residency at Seedbox, Environmental Humanities Collaboratory, for one month during Autumn 2016, I created a series of interventions and poetic writing. The first is a poetry…
Seedbox by Starlight
As part of my residency at Seedbox, Environmental Humanities Collaboratory, for one month during Autumn 2016, I created a series of interventions and poetic writing. The first is a collection,…
Nemesis on the Anthropocene
Lexicon for an Anthropocene Yet Unseen is a series published on the Cultural Anthropology journal website. It is a collection of short articles that asks, “What would it take, we…
Electric Nemesis on Smart Power
In March, the UK National Infrastructure Commission released a report on how the electricity grid needs to change in order to keep the lights on, and meet the 2050 targets…
Orkney Standard Time
“This is how I was born, how my creator, Victor Frankenstein, sparked me into energetic life…” So began my performance-paper at 4S 2015 (Society for Social Studies of Science) and…
Ebban An’ Flowan book
Ebban an’ flowan is the world’s first poetic primer on marine renewable energy. The book focuses on the Orkney islands, as the leading international test site for this nascent energy…
Invisible Work in Marine Energy
Free to download. A collection of seven cards demonstrating the invisible work ongoing at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), in the Orkney islands, Scotland – the world’s first grid-connected…
Alien Energy project
Alien Energy (funded as Marine Renewable Energy as Alien: Social Studies of an Emerging Industry) was a research project at the IT University of Copenhagen, where I worked along with…
Zombie Futures in the Mobile Telecoms Industry
There is a long archaeology of futures in the mobile telecoms industry, futures that have appeared with much fanfare, been forgotten, and then resurrected once more. The ‘watchphone’ (recently popularised…
Design Mailboat
This book chapter began as a performance keynote at 4S/EASST 2012 annual conference in Copenhagen. Lucy Suchman, Pelle Ehn, and myself were asked to consider the conference theme ‘Design and…
Energy Walk
The ‘Energy Walk’ is an ethnographic installation in the landscape. It weaves together the sand dunes and harbour seascape of the Danish Wave Energy Center, in Hanstholm, Denmark, with other…
Travel Time Use in the Information Age
We exist in a society within which ‘life on the move’ is increasingly common, and supported by a growing array of mobile information and communication technologies. The research aimed to…