Ebban An’ Flowan book

Ebban an’ flowan is the world’s first poetic primer on…

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Invisible Work in Marine Energy

Free to download. A collection of seven cards demonstrating the…

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Pixels and Pencils Wordmap

As part of my performance paper at Nordic STS this…

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Alien Energy project

Alien Energy (funded as Marine Renewable Energy as Alien: Social…

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Zombie Futures in the Mobile Telecoms Industry

There is a long archaeology of futures in the mobile…

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Poem for an Entangled Age

Poem for an Entangled Age, handcrafted book. This poem was…

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Design Mailboat

This book chapter began as a performance keynote at 4S/EASST…

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The Work of a Poetic Ethnographer

In September 2014 I gave a paper-performance on my poetic…

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Energy Walk Album

Energy Walk

The ‘Energy Walk’ is an ethnographic installation in the landscape.…

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Living at the End of the World

I was asked to perform a keynote that spoke to…

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Liminal Futures

I am delighted that my prose-poem ‘Liminal Futures’ has now…

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Travel Time Use in the Information Age

We exist in a society within which ‘life on the…

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