
Virgin Trains Pendolino service 9 June 2004 + Thames Trains Turbo to Surbiton 26 May 2004

traveller "...

[Opposite me, a man's] meal is a mushroom and cheddar cheese panini with lots of mustard, added by him. He also has a cup of... tea and brought out from his case a... bag of... crisps. He places the bag between his legs and uses it as a rubbish bag for milk, stirrer, serviette. It is very difficult to eat and drink on a train with so little space and no plate. He has to hold the panini as he squeezes out the tea bag. Three serviettes are in use: one for his knee (pseudo-plate), one holding the panini, and a spare for fingers... There is a space crisis on the table, with my food, [a woman opposite's] food and bags, two newspapers, photos, wallets, magazines... [notebook: Virgin Trains service to Lancaster 12 March 2004 7pm]

system "...

No information.

ethnographic guide

A table is a shared space, where travellers interact. It is also a fluid space, depending on demand by other travellers, unlike a fold-down table, whose available space remains fixed to the traveller. A table is a fluid actor, which may be enrolled as dining table, or office desk, coffee table, or school desk. Creating aspects of these other spaces, by enrolling a table in that activity, creates a journey. The experience of the journey then becomes one of dinning, working at the office, and then sitting by a coffee table reading (for example).